The project

Rivers as highways, rivers for food: the role of waterways in the Bantu expansions towards the eastern Congo Basin.

On the road

Forest fishing in Northeastern DR Congo: anthropological research on comparative technologies

The Major Linguistic Fieldwork Campaign of the BANTURIVERS project, 2021-2022: 50 Bantu, 1 Ubangi and 3 Central-Sudanic language varieties covered

The Novel Coronavirus Pandemic: Its Impact on Fieldwork and the People of the DRCongo

When a pandemic puts fieldwork to an end and demands repatriation.


International Conference, June 17th – 21st, 2024, Kisangani (ULB – UNIKIS): Social spaces, languages, and material culture in the history of the northern Congo Basin

International Conference, Kisangani (ULB – UNIKIS): Social spaces, languages, and material culture in the history of the northern Congo Basin ~ POSTPONED! New dates: June 17th – 21st, 2024


Chaine opératoire of the netting shuttle (itchwaki) and net weights (tokoko) by a Lokele fisherman in Banalia (August 2023) (written by La joie Vutseme Sokoni)

Besemaka, young canoe maker (Opala, August 2023) (written by Emmanuel Makoka Lindembo)

Read us

Presentations @ international conferences, 2021

BANTURIVERS paper @ ICHL24: a comparison of previous Bantu classifications plus the river hypothesis