Publication in linguistics: culinary lexicon and recipes in Lokele, Foma, Topoke, Heso and Mbuza

B. Ricquier, O. Amboroue & N. Mombaya Liwila. 2022. La cuisine aux bords du fleuve Congo: lexique et recettes en lokele, foma, topoke, heso et mbuza. In: B. Ricquier & M. Devos (eds.). Cooking with Linguists: Culinary Lexicon and Recipes in Selected Bantu Languages. Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren Series for African Language Documentation and Description. pp.101-148. read online .

This chapter is set in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in the tropical rainforest, along the Congo River and its tributaries between Bumba and Kisangani. Birgit Ricquier, Odette Ambouroue and Nicolas Mombaya Liwila present culinary lexicons in five languages, namely Lokele (C55), Foma (C56), Topoke (C53), Heso (C52) and Mbuza (C37). The regional menu revolves around diverse cassava preparations and oil palm products, complemented with fish from the rivers and forest ponds, greens, chicken, or forest bounty such as wild plants, bush meat or caterpillars. The recipes present staples such as a porridge of cassava and plantains (lìtúmá), cassava sticks (“chikwangue”, lòmàtà), and the preparation of greens, for instance sweet potato leaves (ɓatɛmbɛlɛ).

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