Languages of the northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
The map shows languages for which the BANTURIVERS project obtained field data. Consequently, it is not an exhaustive language map of the region. Approximately 50% of the languages are represented, mostly Bantu languages. The BANTURIVERS project focuses on the Northeast of the DRC, first and foremost the Tshopo Province, but linguistic research also includes languages of the neighboring provinces: Bas-Uele, Haut-Uele, Ituri and Maniema.
When clicking on a language name, you will find all available information on the language. This language ID combines data from Ethnologue and Glottolog, supplemented with information cited in the monographs on the Congolese provinces, in the literature on the concerned language and from BANTURIVERS field interviews. The classification of the Bantu languages is based on BANTURIVERS research results.
This is work in progress. You are welcome to contribute information, references, or to correct errors (please contact ).
Each color refers to a different language group:

Bastin, Y., Coupez, A. & Mann, M. 1999. Continuity and Divergence in the Bantu Languages: perspectives from a lexicostatistic study. Tervuren, Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale.
Grollemund, R., Branford S., Bostoen K., Meade A., Venditti C. & Pagel M. 2015. Bantu expansion shows that habitat alters the route and pace of human dispersals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). .
Hammarström, H., Forkel, R. & Haspelmath, M. 2018. Glottolog 3.3. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. .
Lewis, P., Simmons G. F., & Fennig C. D. 2016. Ethnologue: Languages of Democratic Republic of the Congo (Nineteenth edition data). Dallas, SIL International.
Omasombo Tshonda, J. (ed.), N’Sanda Buleli, L., Kalombo, V., Akilimali Mukesi, C., Ka Kyaga, K., Omaka, T., M’pene Ngaluley, Z., Krawczyk, J. & Laghmouch, M. 2011. Maniema. Espaces et vies. Series ‘Monographie des provinces congolaises’, vol. 1. Tervuren, Royal Museum for Central Africa. .
Omasombo Tshonda, J. (ed.), Zana Etambala, M., Gaise, R., Buaguo, D., Mombi, G., Simons, E., M’pene Ngaluley, Z., Krawczyk, J. & Laghmouch, M. 2011. Haut-Uele. Trésor touristique. Series ‘Monographie des provinces congolaises’, vol. 2. Tervuren, Royal Museum for Central Africa. .
Omasombo Tshonda, J. (ed.), Akude, JdD., Stroobant, E., Kumbatulu, C., Simons, E., Zana Etambala, M. & Laghmouch, M. 2014. Bas-Uele. Pouvoirs locaux et économie agricole : héritages d’un passé brouillé. Series ‘Monographie des provinces congolaises’, vol. 6. Tervuren, Royal Museum for Central Africa. .
Omasombo Tshonda, J. (ed.), Otemikongo Mandefu, J., Stroobant, E., Obotela Rashidi, N., Bolakonga, B., Olela Nonga Shotsha, D., Krawczyk, J. & Laghmouch, M. 2020. Tshopo. Laborieuse construction politico-administrative coloniale muée en bastion du nationalisme congolais. Series ‘Monographie des provinces congolaises’, vol. 14. Tervuren, Royal Museum for Central Africa. .
Omasombo Tshonda, J. (ed.), Mateso Mande, J.-P., Léonard, G., Umvor Keno, G., Mbuluyo, M., Remo lo-Lozube, D., Krawczyk, J., Laghmouch, M. 2021. Ituri. Terre et identités sous tension. Series ‘Monographie des provinces congolaises’, vol. 15. Tervuren, Royal Museum for Central Africa. .