The team

Birgit Ricquier
Principal investigator, linguist, ULB
Specialized in Bantu historical-comparative linguistics and the Words-and-Things approach in particular, my research addresses Central-African pre-colonial history.
In BANTURIVERS, I study the linguistic history of the eastern Congo Basin and the history of fishing and navigation skills.

David Kopa wa Kopa
PhD student, linguist, ULB – UNIKIS
My research thus far concentrated on Kibudu, a Bantu language spoken in the northeast of the DRCongo.
In BANTURIVERS, I apply comparative linguistics to study past and present language contact in the eastern Congo Basin.

Daou Véronique Joiris
Anthropologist, ULB
My expertise covers the anthropology of peoples living in the Central-African rainforests, in particular hunter-gatherer communities of southern Cameroon.
In BANTURIVERS, I will act as adviser and supervisor for the anthropological part of the project.

Els Cornelissen
Archaeologist, RMCA
I am specialized in lithic materials from the Late Pleistocene and Holocene in Central Africa, and conducted excavations along the Congo River and the Lindi.
In BANTURIVERS, I will act as advisor on archaeological matters and will analyse the excavated lithic material.

Alexandre Livingstone Smith
Archaeologist, RMCA
My special field is ceramics and the anthropology of pottery technology, with a special focus on the eastern part of the DRCongo, from Upemba to Kasongo, Kindu, the Congo River, Lomami and Itimbiri.
In BANTURIVERS, I will study past and present pottery networks and exchanges.

Laurent Nieblas Ramirez
PhD student, archaeozoologist, ULB-RBINS
I am specialized in African archaeozoology, with a special focus on the study of fish remains from Central Africa.
In BANTURIVERS, I study the faunal remains and the historical artefacts, photographs, and written documents that are the witnesses of the human-river fauna interactions from the past in order to fill the gap between the archaeological and anthropological knowledge.

Elizabeth Kujath
PhD student, linguist, ULB
My experience thus far has centered on the documentation and description of Bantu languages.
In BANTURIVERS, I work with lexical data from Bantu languages of the eastern Congo Basin in view of comparative analyses.

Peter Lambertz
Anthropologist, ULB
I have a special interest in river-based mobilities, including technologies and infrastructures of transportation between Kisangani and Bumba on the Rivers Congo, Lomami and Aruwimi.
In BANTURIVERS, I look at techniques and technologies of fishing and canoe building in the longue durée of continuity and innovation.

Nicolas Nikis
Archaeologist, ULB-RMCA
As an archaeologist working mainly in Central Africa, I am particularly interested in the history of metallurgical and pottery manufacturing techniques and exchange networks over the last two millennia.
In the BantuRivers project, I study ceramics and metal objects to better understand the knowledge and object exchanges in the past.
Former team member
Shingo Takamura,
Postdoc, Anthropologist, ULB
My doctoral dissertation investigated regional market systems in the eastern DRCongo.
In BANTURIVERS, I studied fisher communities living along the Lualaba.
Collaborators in the DRC
Linguistic fieldwork and analyses:
François Abuka Balabala Alumesa,
Université de Kisangani
Nicolas Mombaya Liwila,
Université de Kisangani
Emmanuel Ngbanga Bandombele,
Université de Kisangani
Anthropological fieldwork and analyses:
Emmanuel Makoka,
student, Université de Kisangani
Victor Yaaya,
Université de Kisangani
Archaeological fieldwork/terrain archéologique:
Sabrina Kalwanika,
student, Université de Lubumbashi
Michel Komba Yendema,
Université de Kisangani
Clément Mambu Nsangathi,
Wilson Mayo Ilodiri,
Université de Kisangani
Olivier Mulumbwa Luna,
Université de Lubumbashi
Jean Paulin Ndjondjo Manga,
Members of the scientific network
Nils Bourland, bio-engineer
Royal Museum for Central Africa
Christine Cocquyt, botanist
Botanic Garden of Meise
Edmond Dounias, ethnobiologist
French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development
Tom Güldemann, linguist
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Daiji Kimura, anthropologist
Kyoto University
Constance Kutsch Lojenga, linguist
Universiteit Leiden – SIL International
Hans-Peter Wotzka, archaeologist
University of Cologne
Jacky Maniacky, linguist
Royal Museum for Central Africa
André Motingea Mangulu, linguist
National Pedagogic University of Kinshasa
Takanori Oishi, anthropologist
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Emmanuel Vreven, ichthyologist,
Royal Museum for Central Africa
Rebecca Grollemund, linguist,
University of Missouri
Louis Champion, archaeobotanist,
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
Alexa Höhn, archaeobotanist,
Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
Charles Kumbatulu Sita Bangbasa, linguist,
Université de Kisangani